Trademark Registration Costs
Fixed fees including trademark office costs
This is an overview about the trademark registration costs for each country. The fees include the official trademark office fees and our professional fees for an opposition free application up to the issuance of the certificate if there are no substantial objections or oppositions. Expenses for courier, notarization, legalization will be charged separately. For further information and ordering please select the respective country below.
Popular searches: Trademark registration in Germany (DPMA), Trademark registration EU (EUIPO)
Costs of trademark registration
If you want to register or protect a trademark and want to find out about the costs of a trademark application, you are in the right place. Here you will find the total costs of the official application fee of the Trademark Office including all attorney fees listed. Payment is required regardless of the outcome of the trademark registration process. If the trademark application is rejected, the costs will not be refunded.
Save costs and file a trademark application without attorney assistance?
In principle, you can file a trademark application without a lawyer. However, since the preparation of a list of goods and services requires special expertise in trademark law, we recommend consulting a trademark attorney. Furthermore, in many countries it is necessary to have a local address for service. This is another reason why a lawyer specialized in national trademark law is recommended. If you entrust us with the trademark application, one of our specialized attorneys will always act locally. The final costs of the trademark application depend mainly on the scope of protection (countries) and the scope of protection of the trademark (goods / services). A trademark attorney can recommend this in the best possible way.
No hidden costs with us
Many law firms advertise low costs without clearly enough pointing out expenses for official fees of the trademark offices. Often you have to search for this. Especially abroad, attorneys also charge multiple fees during a trademark application. For example, it may happen that a fee is charged for the application, publication of the trademark application, the mere sending of official notices, e.g. for a simple correction of the list of goods, and finally for the sending of the trademark certificate. We do not consider this to be transparent. With us you will only receive one invoice, which includes the entire fee including official office fees up to the trademark registration.
Territorial scope of protection of the trademark influences costs
The territoriality principle applies in trademark law. According to this principle, a trademark can only provide protection for those countries to which the trademark registration relates. Basically, the costs of a trademark application increase with the number of countries for which trademark protection is desired. However, there are also trademarks that offer protection in several countries, such as the Union trademark (formerly Community trademark) for the entire EU, the international registration according to the Madrid Agreement or Protocol via WIPO which can claim protection for a large number of countries, protection via ARIPO or OAPI.
Scope of protection of the trademark (classes) influences costs
Registered trademarks are always protected for specific goods or services. These goods and services are divided into 45 categories, called classes, in an international classification called the Nice Classification. Almost all countries register trademarks according to this classification. The official fees of the trademark offices are based on the number of classes. The more classes are claimed, the higher the costs.
Costs of opposition proceedings not included
Not included in the costs are the costs for opposition proceedings. It may happen that someone with an older trademark files an opposition against your trademark application because there is a likelihood of confusion. In such a case, you will receive an appropriate offer from us for representation in the opposition proceedings.
Conduct a trademark search in advance
Before you decide to file a trademark application, you should have conducted a trademark search. Trademark offices do not usually check whether there are already similar registered trademarks. Therefore, if you have conducted a trademark search, you reduce the risk of receiving an opposition. The costs for a trademark search are low compared to the saved expenses for an official opposition procedure. We will be happy to conduct a trademark search for you
Payment Methods
We offer multiple payment options for your convenience:
- Direct Debit
- Bank Transfer
- Credit Card
These options ensure you can easily manage your payments as per your preference.