Purchase German GmbH Shelf Company with Bank Account

Purchase a ready-made German GmbH shelf company with a bank account. Transfer shares, amend business purpose, company name, and appoint a new managing director.

Complete remote processing available.

Purchase price of 29.500 EUR (including 25.000 EUR on the company's bank account) must be paid separately before transfer.

EUR 4,800.00
More Information
Costs of notarization and registrationnot included (notarization approx. 850 EUR, registration approx. 200 EUR)
Minimum share capital25.000 EUR already deposited in bank account
Bank accountincluded, must be activated by the bank
Tax and Accounting servicerequired, can be provided by our accountants
Registrationyes, already registered
VAT ID registrationnot registered, can be provided by our accountants
EUR 4,800.00

Purchase of a shelf company, ready made GmbH with bank account

Here you can purchse a ready-made German GmbH shelf company with a bank account.  We will gladly advise you and prepare all documents needed to completely transfer the shares, amend business purpose and company name, change the registered address and appoint a new managing director.

Description of the ready made GmbH company

This is an overview about the company which will be transferred.

The company

  • is ready to operate and registered in the company register,
  • is not yet registered for tax and VAT,
  • has a bank account Commerzbank, Postbank or other bank with 25.000 EUR deposit for the share capital
  • name and business purpose will be amended according to your needs
  • shares will be transferred after purchase
  • new managing director must be appointed by the purchaser
  • company has had no activity and/or turnover yet

Time frame

Transfer of shares and appointment of new managing director including change of company name and business purpose could be notarized within a week. The registration of these changes in the company register will take about two weeks.

Presence of the shareholder and managing director

The transfer of the shares and appointment of the new managing director can generally be made remotely with a notarized power of attorney.

Authorization for bank account

It is required that the new managing director authorizes himself at the bank for the bank account. 

New registered office

Please note that the company will need a registered office address after the purchase. We can help you to rent such an address from a qualified provider, the monthly costs start at about 200 EUR plus VAT.

VAT, EORI, accounting and tax services

After the initial registration we can help to find an appropriate provider for administrative and accounting services upon request. For example, we have a partner firm who can register the company for general tax and VAT purposes, file tax declarations, manage account and annual financial statements. Costs depend on turnover, monthly transactions and required services like payroll etc.. As an example here are the fees for a small company


Example Quote for Tax and Accounting Services for a GmbH or UG

(25.000 € shareholder capital,  130.000 € annual revenue, 50.000 € balance sheet sum, 25.000 € profit)

1. Set Up: Tax registration with German Tax Authorities (Tax Number, German VAT ID)

What's included? 

  • Tax registration with the local tax office
  • Application for a tax number and German VAT ID number
  • Preparation & transmission of the opening balance sheet as e-balance sheet

Your benefits with Liesegang & Partner

  • Initial tax consultation
  • setup of digital financial accounting
  • onboarding for digital collaboration with Tax Advisor at no extra charge



750,00 EUR

2. Monthly Financial Accounting, Assets Accounting, and Payroll Services

Hire out your ongoing Financial Accounting including Assets Accounting

Upload digital documents; features up to 50x general journal entries monthly.

What's included?

  • monthly or quarterly advance VAT return
  • provision business reports, totals and balances list and AR/AP list (online) A separate license is required for DATEV Enterprise online; DATEV eG charges approximately 11.50 EUR per month plus VAT for this.


190,00 EUR

You plan on hiring staff in Germany? 

Company Payroll Set Up in DATEV LODAS

What's included?

  • Application for Company Number with the workers' compensation board (Untenehmensnummer / Berufsgenossenschaft) 
  • Application for a German Federal Employer Identification Number (Betriebsnummer / Bundesagentur für Arbeit)


500,00 EUR

In-Processing of New Hires (questionnaire available online) per employee


 one-off (per employee) 

19,00 EUR

3. Annual Financial Statements and Tax Returns

What's included?

  • Annual financial statements under German commercial law
  • Corporate income tax return preparation/filing
  • Trade tax return preparation/filing
  • Annual VAT return preparation/filing as well as the
  • legally required publication/submission to the company register (formerly the Federal Gazette) and the
  • preparation/transmission of the e-balance sheet


2.200,00 EUR 

  fees plus VAT


Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte