Trademark Registration, Trademark Search, Trademark Renewal, Trademark Monitoring, Trademark Management

Specialist expertise, particularly in international trademark applications

Trademark registration

We protect your trademarks at home and abroad at transparent fixed costs.

Trademark search

Similarity searches with attorney analysis in all countries.

Trademark monitoring

We monitor trademark registers for conflicting new applications and report to you.

Trademark renewal

We renew your trademarks worldwide at fixed costs.

Trademark administration

Here you can instruct us with trademark transfers, address changes and opposition procedures.

What you can expect from Liesegang & Partner

Here you will find everything you need for a professional administration of your trademarks. From trademark search to trademark application, monitoring of your trademarks, trademark renewal to trademark administration in the form of transfers, address changes and enforcement of trademark rights.

  • Specialized attorneys with more than 20 years of experience especially for international trademark applications
  • Guaranteed fixed prices for trademark applications, trademark searches, trademark renewals etc.
  • No extra costs for sending official notices or trademark documents
  • Friendly advice by telephone and email

Ask us! We will gladly advise you.

Jens Liesegang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer

Normen Lang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer and Certified lawyer for Information Technology Law

Our Comprehensive Services for Trademark Protection

On our website, we offer a wide range of services for the protection and management of your trademarks. Our transparent fixed costs, professional expertise, and worldwide coverage ensure that your trademarks are optimally protected and managed. Discover our service offerings and benefit from our comprehensive service.

Trademark Registration

Our trademark registration service protects your trademarks domestically and internationally at transparent fixed costs. We handle the entire registration process, ensuring your trademark is legally secured, regardless of the countries in which you operate.

Trademark Search

With our trademark search service, we offer comprehensive similarity searches in all countries, supplemented by detailed legal analysis. This ensures that your trademark remains unique and free from conflicts with existing trademarks.

Trademark Monitoring

Our trademark monitoring service includes continuous review of trademark registers for conflicting new registrations. We promptly inform you if potential conflicts are identified, allowing you to take timely action.

Trademark Management

Trademark management is an essential part of our service offerings. We handle trademark transfers, address changes, and opposition proceedings on your behalf, ensuring your trademark remains current and legally protected.

Trademark Renewal

We renew your trademarks worldwide at transparent fixed costs. Through our reliable deadline monitoring, we ensure that your trademark rights never expire and remain secured in the long term.

Opposition Against Trademark

Our expertise in trademark opposition allows you to entrust us with filing an opposition against a potentially conflicting trademark. We represent your interests and effectively protect your trademark from infringements.

Trust Our Expertise

Our services are designed to provide you with comprehensive trademark protection. With a combination of legal expertise, global reach, and transparent costs, we are your reliable partner in trademark law. Contact us today to learn more about our tailored solutions and how we can help you secure your trademark rights worldwide.

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte