Trademark Renewal Puerto Rico

Here you can engage us to renew your registered trademark in Puerto Rico. The price includes the official renewal fee and the lawyer fees for the renewal of a trademark with 1 class.
EUR 1,050.00
More Information
Classes included1
Power of Attorney must be notarizedNo
Protection Period (years)10
Renewal deadline1 year before the expiration date (which is 10 years calculated from the filing date)
renewal for x years10
proof of use requiredYes
late renewal deadline 6 months after the expiration date
Fee additional classEUR 0.00
Late renewal feeYes
EUR 1,050.00

Details about renewal of trademark in Puerto Rico

We will renew your registered trademark in Puerto Rico for the next period of protection and monitor the payment of the renewal fee.

Trademark Renewal in Puerto Rico: Protecting Your Brand's Future

Renewing your trademark in Puerto Rico is a crucial step in maintaining your brand's legal protection. As a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico follows similar trademark laws to the mainland, but with some unique aspects. This guide will walk you through the renewal process and highlight our services to ensure your trademark remains active and protected.

Why Renew Your Trademark in Puerto Rico?

Renewing your trademark in Puerto Rico is essential for several reasons:

  • Continued Legal Protection: Renewal ensures your brand remains safeguarded against unauthorized use.
  • Market Presence: It demonstrates your ongoing commitment to the Puerto Rican market.
  • Asset Value: A renewed trademark maintains its value as a business asset.
  • Competitive Edge: It prevents competitors from using similar marks in your industry.

Our Trademark Renewal Services for Puerto Rico

At Liesegang & Partner, we offer comprehensive trademark renewal services tailored to Puerto Rico's legal requirements:

  • Timely renewal filing
  • Handling of all official communications
  • Proof of use preparation
  • Monitoring of renewal deadlines
  • Assistance with late renewals if needed

Puerto Rico's Trademark Renewal Process

The trademark renewal process in Puerto Rico involves several key steps:

  • Timing: Renewal must be filed within one year before the expiration date
  • Duration: Renewed trademarks are protected for an additional 10 years
  • Requirements: Proof of use must be submitted with the renewal application
  • Late Renewal: A grace period of 6 months after expiration is available, subject to additional fees

Key Features of Our Services

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our fee includes official renewal fees and lawyer fees for one trademark class.
  • Expertise: Our attorneys specialize in Puerto Rican trademark law.
  • Efficiency: We handle the entire process, saving you time and ensuring accuracy.
  • Cost-Effective: Our pricing is transparent and competitive.

Understanding Puerto Rico Trademark Renewal

  • Renewal Period: Trademarks in Puerto Rico are valid for 10 years from the filing date.
  • Proof of Use: Unlike some jurisdictions, Puerto Rico requires evidence that the trademark is still in use when renewing.
  • Multi-Class Renewals: While our base price covers one class, we can assist with multi-class renewals as needed.


Q: Is a notarized Power of Attorney required for renewal in Puerto Rico?
A: No, a notarized Power of Attorney is not required for trademark renewal in Puerto Rico.

Q: What happens if I miss the renewal deadline?
A: There's a 6-month grace period after expiration, but late renewal fees will apply.

Q: Can I renew my trademark before the renewal period opens?
A: No, renewal applications are only accepted within one year before the expiration date.

Why Choose Liesegang & Partner for Puerto Rico Trademark Renewals?

  • Experience: Our firm has a proven track record in handling Puerto Rican trademark matters.
  • Attention to Detail: We ensure all renewal requirements are met, minimizing the risk of rejection.
  • Proactive Approach: We monitor your deadlines and alert you well in advance of renewal dates.
  • Global Network: As an international firm, we can manage your trademark portfolio worldwide.

Protect Your Brand in Puerto Rico

In conclusion, renewing your trademark in Puerto Rico is a vital step in maintaining your brand's protection in this important market. With Liesegang & Partner, you can trust that your renewal will be handled professionally and efficiently, ensuring your intellectual property remains secure for another decade.

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte