Trademark Renewal Guatemala

Here you can engage us to renew your registered trademark in Guatemala. The price includes the official renewal fee and the lawyer fees for the renewal of a trademark with 1 class.
EUR 600.00
More Information
Classes included1
Power of Attorney must be notarizedYes
Protection Period (years)10
Renewal deadline6 months before the expiration date
renewal for x years10
proof of use requiredNo
late renewal deadline 6 months after the expiration date
Fee additional classEUR 450.00
Late renewal feeYes
EUR 600.00

Details about renewal of trademark in Guatemala

We will renew your registered trademark for the next period of protection in Guatemala and monitor the payment of the renewal fee.

Trademark Renewal in Guatemala: Protecting Your Brand's Future

Renewing your trademark in Guatemala is a crucial step in maintaining your brand's legal protection and market presence. This process, while essential, can be complex and time-sensitive. At Liesegang & Partner, we specialize in simplifying trademark renewals in Guatemala, ensuring your intellectual property rights remain secure.

Why Renew Your Trademark in Guatemala?

Renewing your trademark in Guatemala is vital for several reasons:

  • Continuous Protection: Maintain exclusive rights to your brand in the Guatemalan market.
  • Brand Value: Preserve and enhance your brand's value and recognition.
  • Legal Standing: Retain the ability to enforce your trademark rights against infringers.
  • Market Confidence: Demonstrate commitment to the Guatemalan market, building trust with customers and partners.

Our Trademark Renewal Services for Guatemala

Liesegang & Partner offers comprehensive trademark renewal services tailored for Guatemala:

  • Timely renewal filing
  • Monitoring of official fees and deadlines
  • Handling all necessary documentation
  • Communication with the Guatemalan Intellectual Property Office
  • Post-renewal certificate management

Guatemala's Trademark Renewal Process

The trademark renewal process in Guatemala involves several key steps:

  • Renewal Period: File for renewal within 6 months before the expiration date.
  • Documentation: Prepare and submit required renewal documents.
  • Fee Payment: Pay the official renewal fee for the trademark class(es).
  • Review: The Guatemalan IP Office reviews the renewal application.
  • Certificate Issuance: Upon approval, a renewal certificate is issued.

Key Features of Our Services

  • Expertise: Specialized knowledge in Guatemalan trademark law.
  • Efficiency: Streamlined process for quick and accurate renewals.
  • Cost-Effective: Competitive pricing.
  • Multilingual Support: Communication in various languages.
  • Proactive Monitoring: We track your renewal deadlines to ensure timely filing.

Understanding Guatemala Trademark Renewal

  • Renewal Period: Every 10 years.
  • Grace Period: 6 months after expiration date for late renewals.
  • Multi-Class Renewals: Additional classes can be renewed (extra fee)
  • No Proof of Use: Guatemala does not require proof of use for renewals.


Q: Is a notarized Power of Attorney required for renewal in Guatemala?
A: No, a notarized Power of Attorney is not required for trademark renewals in Guatemala.

Q: Can I renew my trademark after it has expired?
A: Yes, Guatemala allows late renewals up to 6 months after the expiration date.

Q: How long is the renewed protection period?
A: The renewed protection period is 10 years from the previous expiration date.

Why Choose Liesegang & Partner for Guatemala Trademark Renewals?

  • Experience: Years of expertise in international trademark law.
  • Reliability: Consistent track record of successful renewals.
  • Transparency: Clear pricing and no hidden fees.
  • Customer-Centric: Personalized service tailored to your needs.
  • Global Network: Strong connections with local agents in Guatemala.

Protect Your Brand in Guatemala

In conclusion, renewing your trademark in Guatemala is a critical aspect of maintaining your brand's protection. With Liesegang & Partner, you can ensure a smooth, efficient, and reliable renewal process, safeguarding your intellectual property rights in this important Central American market. Trust our expertise to keep your trademark secure and your brand thriving in Guatemala.

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte