Trademark Renewal Burundi

Here you can engage us to renew your registered trademark in Burundi. The price includes the official renewal fee for one trademark for one class.
EUR 750.00
More Information
Classes included3
Power of Attorney must be notarizedNo
Protection Period (years)10 Jahre ab Anmeldetag
Renewal deadline6 months before the expiration date (which is 10 years calculated from the filing date)
renewal for x years10
proof of use requiredNo
late renewal deadline6 months after the expiration date
Fee additional classEUR 100.00
Late renewal feeYes
EUR 750.00

Details about renewal of trademark in Burundi

We will renew your registered trademark for ten years and check the payment of the renewal fee.

Trademark Renewal in Burundi: Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Renewing your trademark in Burundi is crucial for maintaining your brand's legal protection and market presence in this East African nation. As a member of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), Burundi follows specific procedures for trademark renewals, ensuring your intellectual property rights remain secure.

Why Renew Your Trademark in Burundi?

Renewing your trademark in Burundi offers several benefits:

  • Continued Legal Protection: Safeguard your brand against infringement
  • Market Advantage: Maintain your competitive edge in the Burundian market
  • Brand Value: Preserve and enhance your brand's reputation and recognition

Our Trademark Renewal Services for Burundi

At Liesegang & Partner, we offer comprehensive trademark renewal services tailored to Burundi's legal requirements:

  • Timely renewal submissions
  • Document preparation and verification
  • Communication with the OAPI office
  • Status updates throughout the process

Burundi's Trademark Renewal Process

The trademark renewal process in Burundi involves several steps:

  • Renewal Period: File for renewal within 12 months before expiration
  • Documentation: Submit necessary forms and supporting documents
  • Fee Payment: Pay the required renewal fees to OAPI
  • Examination: OAPI reviews the renewal application
  • Certificate Issuance: Receive the renewed trademark certificate

Key Features of Our Services

  • Expert Knowledge: In-depth understanding of Burundi's trademark laws
  • Efficient Processing: Streamlined procedures for quick turnaround
  • Multilingual Support: Communication in English, and local languages
  • Personalized Approach: Tailored services to meet your specific needs

Understanding Burundi Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewal in Burundi is governed by OAPI regulations:

  • Renewal Term: Trademarks are valid for 10 years
  • Grace Period: 6-month grace period after expiration (with additional fees)
  • Multi-class System: Burundi follows OAPI's multi-class registration system


Q: How often should I renew my trademark in Burundi?
A: Trademarks in Burundi must be renewed every 10 years.

Q: Can I renew my trademark after it has expired?
A: Yes, within a 6-month grace period, subject to additional fees.

Q: Is use of the trademark required for renewal in Burundi?
A: No, Burundi does not require proof of use for trademark renewal.

Why Choose Liesegang & Partner for Burundi Trademark Renewals?

  • Extensive Experience: Years of expertise in African intellectual property law
  • Dedicated Team: Specialized professionals handling Burundi renewals
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Competitive pricing without compromising quality
  • Global Network: Strong relationships with local agents in Burundi

Protect Your Brand in Burundi

In conclusion, renewing your trademark in Burundi is essential for maintaining your brand's protection and market position. Trust Liesegang & Partner to guide you through the renewal process efficiently and effectively, ensuring your intellectual property rights remain secure in this growing African market.

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte