Opposition against trademark in Germany
Here you can engage us to file an opposition against a German trademark at the German Patent and Trademark office DPMA.
We charge hourly fees.
Opposition Period | 3 months after publication of registration |
Reimbursement of costs | no |
Power of Attorney must be notarized | No |
Duration Opposition Proceeding | 12-18 months |
Comprehensive Support in the Trademark Opposition Procedure for Brands in Germany
Our law firm provides professional and comprehensive support in the trademark opposition process against registrations in Germany. If you believe your trademark rights are infringed by a registered trademark, you can actively file an opposition.
Important Details about the Opposition Process and Deadlines
- Filing Deadline: The opposition must be submitted within 3 months of the trademark's publication to the relevant German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA). Timely action is crucial to protect your rights.
- Grounds for Opposition: Common grounds include the likelihood of confusion with your existing trademark, prior use of the mark, or lack of distinctiveness of the new mark. Each argument must be substantiated with appropriate evidence.
- Procedure Duration and Process: The opposition procedure can take several months. The duration depends on the complexity of the case, the number of filed oppositions, and the processing time of the DPMA. During this process, we are available to clarify any questions and monitor progress.
Our Tailored Services in Detail
- Success Assessment: We provide a comprehensive analysis of the chances of success for your opposition and explain possible strategies. We help you identify the strongest arguments and prepare you optimally for the procedure.
- Documentation and Argumentation: We prepare all necessary documents, including the opposition itself, and articulate your arguments clearly and convincingly. We also ensure that all documents meet legal requirements.
- Representation and Communication: We handle all communication with the DPMA, including the submission of documents and responses to inquiries. We keep you continuously informed about the current status of the procedure.
Free Initial Consultation for Your Individual Situation
We are happy to offer you a free and non-binding assessment of your situation. Your inquiry will be treated confidentially, and we look forward to assisting you in protecting your trademark rights.
If you need further information or assistance in other countries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here for you.