Opposition against a trademark in Madagascar
Here you can engage us to file an opposition against a trademark in Madagascar. Our fees will be charged on hourly rates.
Explanation of our Consulting Services and the Opposition Procedure in Madagascar
The protection of trademark rights is of high relevance for businesses in Madagascar. Our law firm offers comprehensive support in the opposition procedure against trademark registrations to ensure that your existing rights are upheld.
Process of the Opposition Procedure:
- Deadline for Filing the Opposition: After the publication of a trademark application, you have 30 days to file an opposition. This deadline is crucial for protecting your rights.
- Review of Documents: We analyze the trademark application and relevant documents to assess the likelihood of success for your opposition.
- Assessment of Confusion Risk: We examine whether the applied-for mark could be confused with your existing mark and identify potential legal arguments.
- Drafting the Opposition Letter: We prepare a detailed opposition letter that includes both the legal basis and specific reasons for the opposition.
- Submission of the Opposition Letter: We submit the opposition letter in a timely manner to the relevant trademark office.
- Representation in the Procedure: Throughout the entire process, we represent you and communicate with the trademark office. We keep you informed about the progress of your opposition and advise you on further legal steps.
We are happy to offer you a free initial consultation. In this no-obligation conversation, you can ask your questions and receive specific information about your case.
We strive to provide you with the necessary information and support to protect your trademark rights.
Your information will be treated confidentially.