Opposition against a trademark in Ghana

Here you can engage us to file an opposition against a trademark in Ghana. Our fees will be charged on hourly rates.

Fee based on hourly rates (see our terms and conditions for details)


Explanation of Our Consulting Services and the Opposition Procedure in Ghana

In Ghana, the protection of trademark rights is essential for businesses seeking to strengthen their market position. Our law firm offers comprehensive support in the opposition procedure against trademark registrations in Ghana.

The opposition process follows a clear sequence:

  • Deadline for Filing the Opposition: After the publication of a trademark application, you have 60 days to file an opposition. It is crucial to meet this deadline, as late oppositions are typically not considered.
  • Document Review: We start by carefully examining the trademark application and relevant documents to assess the likelihood of success for your opposition.
  • Drafting the Opposition Letter: We prepare a detailed opposition letter outlining both the legal basis and specific reasons for the opposition.
  • Submission to the Trademark Office: The opposition letter is submitted on time to the Ghanaian Trademark Office.
  • Duration of the Procedure: After submission, the process usually takes several months, depending on the complexity of the case and the processing time of the trademark office.
  • Representation and Communication: Throughout the entire procedure, we represent you and communicate with the trademark office to ensure your concerns are addressed. We keep you continuously informed about the progress of your opposition.

We invite you to contact us for a free initial consultation.

In this no-obligation discussion, you can ask questions and gain insights into your specific case. Our top priority is to protect your trademark rights effectively.

Ask us! We will gladly advise you.

Jens Liesegang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer

Normen Lang
Attorney-at-Law, Certified IP Lawyer and Certified lawyer for Information Technology Law

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte