Here you can mandate us to extend the registration of an IR trademark to more countries. Attention: You need an already registered international trademark.
The fee includes all government filing fees, our professional fees, sundry and incidental expenses for filing and processing an objection free trade mark application and procuring a certificate of registration on the client's behalf. There are no hidden or unanticipated costs to be incurred by the client.
The Madrid system is an international procedural mechanism, which offers a trademark owner the possibility to have his trademark protected in several countries by simply filing one application directly with the Office where the trademark was originally registered. This allows the extension of the registered trademark to diverse countries, based on a single Trademark Application or Trademark Registration in the Office of Origin.
If the trademark office of a designated country, towards which extension is pretended, grants the registration, the protection of the mark is the same as if it had been registered by that Office. The Madrid system also simplifies greatly the subsequent management of the mark, since it is possible to record subsequent changes or to renew the registration through a single procedural step. Further countries may be designated subsequently. Likewise, through this procedure the registration expenses are considerably reduced, in relation to a country by country direct registration.
You can find more information about Madrid System in the following link: