Incorporation of a S.A. in Spain

You are looking for an international well known corporation, where it is easily possible to share the stocks with new shareholders? Then we would suggest to incorporate a Spanish joint stock corporation (S.A. short for Société Anonyme).

Here you can mandate us to incorporate for you a S.A. in Spain.

EUR 2,000.00
More Information
Costs of notarization and registrationnot included
Minimum share capital60101
EUR 2,000.00

The Société Anonyme (short S.A.) is internationally the most important kind of corporation. In this kind of corporation the joint stock is divided into shares. The transfer of a share is regularly easier than at other kinds of corporations. Joint stock corporations can more easier than other corporations increase their joint stock by issuing new stocks.

Incorporation proceedings

Because of the order form we almost receive all necessary information we will need for the incorporation. Nevertheless it will be necessary that we discuss together the details of the future corporation.

At first we will check your intended name for the company with the central commercial register in Madrid. If you also ordered it we will check for similar/ colliding firms, trademarks and (partial) identical domains.

Regarding to your information we will then draft the documents for the incorporation (the so called "Estatutos Sociales" as well as the "Escritura de Constitución de Sociedad Anónima"). If requested we will also draft a power of attorney if anyone shall represent a shareholder in the notarization appointment.

If one of the shareholder is a foreign company it is required to provide the notary and the commercial register with certified documents regarding the foreign company (basically they want proofs that the company exists and who is allowed to represent it.

The actual incorporation takes place while signing and certifying the documents for the incorporation. From this moment on the corporation exists. But until the registration in the commercial register it exists just as a S.A. in foundation („Sociedad Anónima en constitución“). In the meanwhile it is required to open a bank account and to pay in the minimum joint stock amounting to 60,101.21 EUR.

As soon as you receive the notary formation deed you can ask for a tentative CIF for the company. The CIF is necessary to receive the request from the Spanish financial department for paying the tax for the incorporation. Only after paying this tax the formation deed will be send to the commercial register.

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte