Global Trademark Monitoring
Order form for trademark monitoring worldwide for identical or similar trademarks globally, in all countries. With each found trademark you will receive a short analysis by a trademark lawyer with a recommendation of how to proceed.
Monitoring Alert | delivery via email |
Term | 1 year, automatic renewal, cancellation monthly |
Classes included | 3 |
Fee additional class | EUR 160.00 |
Details for trademark monitoring worldwide
Our brand monitoring is a proven way to detect collision risks for word and figurative trademarks with identical or similar entries in good time before the expiry of the objection period.
We provide not just an automated message that you must ultimately evaluate yourself. With us you get a lawyer analysis. A lawyer specializing in trademark checks discovered trademarks and evaluates the risk of collision.
You will receive an individual letter which informs you about the similarity of the trademarks and goods/services and gives you an detailed advice of how to react. We monitor the relevant registers of trademarks for identical or similar applications or registrations, which may conflict with your search term. Monitoring includes words and / or figurative signs. If we recommend an opposition you will receive an individual monitoring alert via email, fax or letter. This includes the full record of the found trademark.
Monitoring can be canceled anytime by end of the month.
Our global trademark monitoring covers the following registers / countries:
International registrations (WIPO)
Albania Andorra Armenia Benelux Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Denmark Germany Estonia Finland France Union stamps Georgia Greece |
Guernsey Ireland Iceland Italy Jersey Croatia Kosovo Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco |
Montenegro North Cyprus Norway Austria Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation San Marino Sweden Switzerland Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia |
Spain Czech republic Turkey Ukraine Hungary United Kingdom Belarus Cyprus |
Middle East & Africa
Egypt Afghanistan Algeria Angola ARIPO Bahrain Botswana Gaza Strip Gambia Ghana Iran Iraq Israel Yemen |
Jordan Cape Verde Qatar Kenya Kurdistan Kuwait Lesotho Lebanon Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Morocco |
Mozambique Namibia Nigeria Rwanda OAPI Oman Zambia Zanzibar São Tomé and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Seychelles Sierra Leone Zimbabwe South Africa |
Sudan Swaziland Syria Tanzania Tunisia Uganda United Arab. Emirates West Bank |
Latin America
Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize BES Islands Bermuda Bolivia Brazil British Virgin Islands |
Chile Costa Rica Curaçao Dominica (West Indies) Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras |
Jamaica Cayman Islands Colombia Cuba Montserrat Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Sint Maarten (NL part) Sint Vincent & the Grenatines |
St. Kitts ja Nevis Saint Lucia Suriname Trinidad ja Tobago Turks ja Caicosinseln Uruguay Venezuela |
North America
Canada | Mexico | USA (Federal) |
Asia & Pacific
Australia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Darussalam China Fiji Hong Kong India Indonesia |
Japan Cambodia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Laos Macau Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar New Zealand |
Pakistan Philippines Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Sri Lanka South Korea Taiwan Tajikistan |
Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Vietnam |