Legal Advisory Services - Hourly Rate

Details about agreement on fees for legal advisory services - hourly charge

The fees of this assignment shall not be subject of the legal fees defined by the German Lawyers Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG), but are subject to the this remuneration agreement (“Vergütungsvereinbarung”).

Please find our rates in our terms and conditions.

The agreed lawyer fees include only the fees of the contractor. Not included are any expenses which could be expenses of a Notary, registry costs, court fees and other costs which may be subject of this assignment. Such costs are born by the client. In judicial proceedings the lawyers will charge at least the fees according to the German Lawyers’ Compensation Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG). Disbursements will be forwarded plus a handling fee of 20%.

Please be advised that even in case of full recovery of a law suit the opposing party, a party or the public purse will not completely reimburse our agreed remuneration. They are merely forced to reimburse the legal fees. The client has to bear the part of the agreed remuneration which exceeds the legal fees.

Fee based on hourly rates (see our terms and conditions for details)

Liesegang & Partner mbB, Rechtsanwälte