Copyright Registration in Canada
We will elaborate your copyright registration in Canada and file it with the competent Canadian authorities.
Copyright registration in Canada has to be made with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office
What can be registered?
Copyright registration in Canada is possible for the following categories of works:
- works consisting of text, including books, pamphlets, lectures (address, speech, sermon, etc.), tables and translations. Computer programs are also included in this category
- textual works in which a scenic arrangement or acting form is fixed in writing (e.g., a screenplay)
- musical works including any work of music or musical composition with or without words, including compilations of musical works
- paintings, drawings, maps, charts, plans, photographs (photo-lithograph and any work expressed by any process akin to photography), engravings (etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, prints and other similar works), illustrations, sketches, sculptures (a cast or model), works of artistic craftsmanship, architectural works (meaning buildings or structures or any model of a building or structure) and compilations of artistic works
- any piece for recitation, choreographic work or mime, where the scenic arrangement or acting form is fixed in writing or otherwise. This category also includes cinematographic works (having dramatic character or not) and compilations of dramatic works etc.. Examples of dramatic works are screenplays, scripts, plays and motion picture films.
Please note that a compilation is a work resulting from the selection or arrangement of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works or parts thereof, or a work resulting from the selection or arrangement of data. Also, a compilation containing two or more of the categories of literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works is considered a compilation of the category making up the most substantial part of the compilation.
Foreign authors
Works of foreign authors can be registered if they meet the requirements of Canadian Copyright Law
Processing time will be about 5 - 10 working days following the completion of the application
Required documents and information
The following documents are required in an application to register the copyright in a work:
- PoA
- declaration confirming that the applicant is the author of the work, the owner of the copyright in the work, an assignee of the copyright, or a person to whom an interest in the copyright has been granted by licence
The following information is required in an application to register the copyright in a work:
- title of the work
- category of the work
- place and date of first publication (if any)
- complete name and address of the owner / owners of the respective copyright
- complete name and address of the author of the work; in case author passed away, date of death shall be given if known
- details about the application of the work, if any
Additional information:
If the application is complete, a certificate of registration will be issued to serve as evidence of both the existence of a copyright and of the ownership by the person named thereon.