Application for an EORI number
Here you can instruct us to apply for an EORI number in Germany. This is issued to all economic operators who import or export goods. It also serves to facilitate customs clearance. National authorities can thus more easily identify all economic operators and better trace the flow of goods. Both private individuals and companies can register. In addition, the identifier will only be issued once and will be valid throughout Europe.
What actually is the EORI number?
EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number. It was introduced to identify market operators within the EU in a uniform way with regard to their relationship and interaction with customs authorities. Therefore, the EORI can be understood as a kind of “customs number”
.The basic idea is to simplify customs clearance, which has become more and more automated over time.
The number is indispensable for all correspondence between the operator and the authorities whether for applications, declarations or other documents.
What do you need an EORI number for?
The EORI number is a prerequisite for correspondence between international traders and the authorities. It works like the customs number, only at the level of the European Union. For anyone who wants to import goods into the EU or export them out of the EU, the EORI number is mandatory. Those who act without it face severe penalties.
Customs clearance is to be simplified accordingly by the EORI number
.What is the format?
The EORI number consists of 17 characters and as a rule, although there are exceptions, the first and second characters are the country code, followed by a 15-digit numerical sequence.
"The EORI number is simplified accordingly.
As an economic operator in Europe, you have to check the validity of the number for each shipment to the customs territory of the European Union Private individuals, however, are not affected by this regulation. Everyone who imports goods from outside the EU or exports goods from outside the EU needs an EORI number. It is used by customs authorities to know what is going on and for security, data analysis and statistical reasons.
For the movement of goods within the EU or for the import of products for private use no EORI number is required. However, both private individuals and companies can obtain an EORI number. For imports and exports within the EU, an EORI number is always required.
Companies based outside the EU but trading within Europe also need an EORI number. In order to be able to operate safely in international trade, the EORI number is a prerequisite for customs activities. To ensure that it is valid in good time before the start of trade, forward planning is necessary. This is because the number is not automatically active upon application, but requires a control procedure.Whoever has completed and submitted the application must wait for a confirmation. This confirmation takes place on average after about three to four weeks in the same way as the application was submitted./p>
Only when the confirmation is received is the EORI number active and may be used for trade. If customs trade is conducted without a valid EORI number, the person responsible must expect severe penalties. Be sure you are not already registered before applying. Some businesses receive an EORI number automatically when they register for VAT. You can check this with the EORI number checker provided by the authorities of many countries. For example, the UK tax authorities, HMRC, provide this EORI validation programme. The absence of EORI numbers means that trade within the EU (imports and exports) was not legally correct. You always need a valid EORI number here!Who needs an EORI number?
How long does the EORI number application process take?
Check the EORI number: EORI Checker
Trading in Europe without an EORI number